2nd Annual Autism Awareness Golf Outing

Join us for Doc's and Iezzi’s 2nd Annual Golf Outing at Hickory Valley Golf Club on Saturday, August 26th
We have room for 25 foursomes. To register stop into Doc's with your foursome information (Foursome Name) with the names of each golfer and with a single check for each foursome ($500.00).
Tickets are $125 per person ($500 per foursome), which includes, green fees, draft beer on the course, hot dog/ hamburger on the course, a golf shirt, and a buffet dinner at Doc’s Irish Pub where we will announce the winner of the tournament and provide a nice plaque that will be displayed year-round. Various prizes will be awarded and a 50/50 drawing will be held at Doc’s as well.
Checks for foursomes are to be made payable to Doc's Irish Pub and will be accepted ONLY at Doc's Irish Pub. PLEASE mark in the memo Autism Awareness Golf Outing. No reservations without payment will be made.
Proceeds benefit Autism Awareness and the Special Needs community.8 AM Tee Time / 7 AM Registration